Scientists gave free espressos (vs decaf coffee) to people entering stores. Customers bought ~30% more items and spent ~50% more, mainly on hedonic products.
Strategically position graspable objects in your creatives. People will feel a sense of ownership of your product, and will be more likely to buy it.
Second person pronouns (e.g. you, your, you’ll) make readers feel more involved. People will be more likely to engage with you and feel more positive towards your brand.
In a large-scale experiment, 7-day long free trials (vs 30 days) led to 5.6% higher conversions, 6.4% better retention, and 7.9% higher revenue.
Metaphors make people process ads more deeply - and made them 24% more likely to remember ads one week later. Use metaphors related to your brand.
Boost conversions to your paid product 16.2% to 22.6% by strategically introducing an alternative paid option.
Describe the restriction first (spend £100) and then the offer (get $20 off). The promotion will feel like a reward rather than a restriction, and sell better.
Asking people to “Gift” rather than “Donate” to charities increased the chances they did by up to 68.8% and increased the amount given by between 22.9% and 94%.
Give a note thanking customers for their purchase. They must be handwritten, but photocopies work just as well as originals. In experiments, they increased future customers spending 2x.
Negations (e.g. no, don’t, never) make you sound more powerful and increase how much people want to engage with (+17.6%) and recommend you (+17.8%)
Space out your products; Praise your competitors; Reply to all reviews; Use quantity-focused CTAs; Show a hand touching your product. The top 5 insights to celebrate two years of Ariyh.
In experiments, people were up to 85% more likely to recommend and 32% more likely to buy a company’s products after a tour. Tours must be educational and enjoyable.