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We don’t think AI has bad intentions, so we are up to 2.6 times more likely to accept bad news given by them (e.g. accept a higher-than-expected price).
Insights generated by a marketer working with AI were better than those from a person alone, or AI alone. Here’s how.
Kicking off 2025 with evidence on how to better use AI in your marketing and products, without the hype. A new insights category, playbook, Q&A, and more!
Get the Science-based Playbook of AI Best Practices. Science Says Platform members enjoy an additional exclusive discount.
Ecommerce orders that arrive faster than the expected delivery date are more likely to be returned, especially if it’s a new customer.
The science of whether to rename a brand that has a trusted legacy in a local community.
People see business owners from a minority background as underdogs, so they are more tolerant of mistakes and willing to pay more.
Get the Science-based Playbook of Ad Creatives. Science Says Platform members enjoy an exclusive 10% discount.
58 recommendations from the latest science. 1000+ pages of research summarized into actionable techniques. Last 24 hours of the special launch discount.
Brain monitoring experiments using fMRI find that emotional ads are more effective for pleasurable products, while informative ads work better for functional items.