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Introducing Ariyh: Evidence-based Marketing

Tips for marketing leaders based on the latest top business school research. Launching August 25.

Concrete, specific, language when interacting with customers (“I’ll look for that t-shirt in grey” vs “I’ll take a look”) increases satisfaction by 9% and spending by 13%

Surveys with an open-ended question asking to recall the best part of the experience increase respondents’ customer lifetime value by 30+%

Visitors of an offline experience store spend 60% more online, take 28% less time between purchases, and are much less likely to return items

This is current academic research. Evidence-based, peer-reviewed, and accepted only by the best scientific journals. Not opinions, not sponsored content, not questionable surveys. Facts.

And yet, it takes us marketers years to learn about these discoveries. If we ever do.

Ariyh is here to change that.

Want in? Subscribe for free to receive the latest evidence-based marketing tips in your inbox, twice per week, starting August 25, 2020.

Or keep reading if you want to know more and find out how you can support Ariyh.


In 2016 I took a career break to study a master’s in marketing at Rotterdam School of Management. Our professors would select the best research papers for us to read. Often it was research published just a month earlier by their friends at MIT, Wharton, or LBS. Every time I read one of those papers, it hit me: “where was this when I needed it the most? When I wanted to improve my marketing tactics, my strategy?”

As soon as I graduated and went back to work, I once again got cut off from this world (even at a company like Google). This is ridiculous, I thought. Why is it that as a marketer in an ever-changing environment I have to rely on self-promotional interviews, sponsored surveys of questionable validity, or opinions (lots of those)? In a world of information overload, shouldn’t we prioritize the best quality sources of information first?

After years of pondering the problem, I decided that enough is enough. There must be a way to stay up to date with the latest, evidence-based, marketing discoveries that are published every day. Where is it? I’ve spent the last months researching existing solutions and bombarding my extended network with questions (thank you!).

Well, it turns out there isn’t one. Unless you have the time to sift through 10,000 marketing research papers per year yourself, you either hire a team of PhDs in-house (what some S&P 500 giants can afford to do), or you spend a lot to hire professors when you need them (being careful to work with someone who has an understanding of real-life business).

If we wait for courses, conferences, or books, to ‘translate’ research for us practitioners, the information will be several years old. Who reaps the most benefits: someone who’s applied a technique for the past 10 years, or someone who just found out about it by reading Robert Cialdini’s Influence?

Introducing Ariyh

So. Here we are. As you can see, I’ve decided to take matters into my own hands.

I will personally sift through the latest management, psychology, behavioral, and consumer research each week to extract unique recommendations that you can apply today, using groundbreaking discoveries to boost your marketing metrics.

Only papers from the best publications make the cut. Meaning they are from journals strongly regarded by the scientific community and often cited by other researchers (i.e. high impact factor).

A note of caution. Ariyh’s marketing recommendations are built on research that is:

  • New, although built on previous research

  • At risk of being revised or disproven in the future (although this rarely happens)

  • Generalized, although authors often caution against that (each situation is different, naturally)

So always try to test on a small-scale before rolling out widely.

Launching August 25

You will receive two recommendations per week, on Tuesdays and Thursdays. Each recommendation includes an explanation of the expected effects, it’s limitations, companies currently using it, and what are the drivers behind the effect.

Signup now so you don’t miss the first issue on Tuesday August 25.

Thank you for your support! I would greatly appreciate it if you can share this with your friends and network. Spread the love, ehm, knowledge!

Since you got till here, I might as well tell you what Ariyh stands for: “Academic Research In Your Hands”